
Monday, 19 May 2014

Gosh Polish Frosted Soft Coral textured polish

Today I have a new polish from Gosh for you. 07 Frosted Soft Coral. Not the most original name. Frosted sand look with a glittery matte finish.

I used two thin coats for complete coverage. Average dry time. Pebbly to the touch once it's dry. The glitter is a nice touch to this. I think it would be too plain without it. The polish does have a bit of a wrinkly look to it. No issues with application. Following photos show the polish with no top coat.

texture matte

Gosh Polish frosted soft coral

Gosh Polish frosted soft coral

The next pics show Frosted Soft Coral with a coat of top coat. I used HK Girl. The polish really ate it up. Almost right away, you couldn't tell that a top coat had been applied. My guess is you would need at least three coats of top coat to smooth this out and leave it shiny.

Gosh Polish frosted soft coral

Gosh Polish frosted soft coral

And there you have it. I purchased this from a local drugstore. Shoppers Drug Mart. To be honest, I'm not sure where all this brand is carried. Sorry about that! Hope you have a great day.

*polish purchased by me and all opinions are my own*

1 comment:

  1. Its a pretty color but I'm not too sure if I like it. The wrinkle texture to it looks weird to me.


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