
Monday, 28 January 2013

piCture pOlish Monroe

I have to start off by telling you that my plan was to swatch a few of my Picture Polish shades. After I put on Monroe, I loved it so much that I couldn't take it off. Now you get swatches of just one polish!

Monroe - a classic Hollywood icon. So is this colour! This is the reborn or new formula. I don't have the older version, so I can't tell you what the differences are. Monroe is a dark red jelly based scattered holographic. I will warn you that this polish does not self level, so be careful when applying. For the photos I have on 3 coats plus top coat. You can get away with 2 coats if you apply carefully. I still had a few lighter patches.

piCture pOlish is an Australian company and their site only ships within Australia. If you look up their network of stores you'll find that there are many options for purchasing worldwide. You can find it here.


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